Corticobasal degeneration
Corticobasal degeneration is a disease in which areas of the brain shrink and nerve cells die over time. Causes of the disease are unknown. People who have the condition experience difficulty moving one or both sides of the body and have trouble with thinking, speech and language. Eventually, people with the disease may become unable to walk.
Corticobasal degeneration causes difficulty moving that gets worse over time, poor coordination and balance, stiffness, abnormal postures that may include a hand forming a fist, muscle jerks, difficulty swallowing, abnormal eye movements, and trouble with thinking, speech and language. Signs and symptoms progress over six to eight years.
There are no treatments that slow the progression of corticobasal degeneration. Your doctor may recommend medications that may help manage your symptoms. Occupational, physical or speech therapy may also help.