Psoriasis diet: Can changing your diet treat psoriasis?
Although there's no special psoriasis diet, some people find that certain foods worsen their symptoms or that others improve skin inflammation.
It can be difficult to determine what exactly is changing your psoriasis symptoms because the condition itself tends to fluctuate over time — with periods of remission alternating with times when your psoriasis becomes worse.
A National Psoriasis Foundation review of 55 studies that included more than 4,500 people living with psoriasis reported one strong food-related recommendation: reducing caloric intake if you are overweight or obese.
Other studies have found that some people who have psoriasis may also be sensitive to gluten — a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. In these people, avoiding gluten may ease their psoriasis symptoms. If you are concerned about gluten sensitivity, ask your doctor about tests you can take to either confirm or rule out this condition.
If you are planning to make changes in your diet, it's a good idea to discuss details of these changes with your physician to ensure the plan is reasonable and obtainable. Continue with your other medical treatments for psoriasis as discussed with your doctor.