Vaccines for adults: Which do you need?
Why are some vaccines particularly important for adults?
How can I keep track of my vaccines?
What factors might affect my vaccine recommendations?
How can I check my vaccination status?
What vaccines do adults need?
How can I keep track of my vaccines?
To gather information about your vaccination status, talk to your parents or other caregivers. Check with your doctor's office, as well as any previous doctors' offices, schools and employers. Some states also have registries that include adult immunizations. To check, contact your state health department.
If you can't find your records, talk to your doctor. He or she might be able to do blood tests to see if you are immune to certain diseases that can be prevented by vaccines. You might need to get some vaccines again.
To stay on top of your vaccines, ask your doctor for an immunization record form. Bring the form with you to all of your doctor visits and ask your provider to sign and date the form for each vaccine you receive.