Diseases and Conditions



If not treated properly, iritis could lead to:

  • Cataracts. Development of a clouding of the lens of your eye (cataract) is a possible complication, especially if you've had a long period of inflammation.
  • An irregular pupil. Scar tissue can cause the iris to stick to the underlying lens or the cornea, making the pupil irregular in shape and the iris sluggish in its reaction to light.
  • Glaucoma. Recurrent iritis can result in glaucoma, a serious eye condition characterized by increased pressure inside the eye and possible vision loss.
  • Calcium deposits on the cornea. This causes degeneration of your cornea and could decrease your vision.
  • Swelling within the retina. Swelling and fluid-filled cysts that develop in the retina at the back of the eye can blur or decrease your central vision.