Diseases and Conditions

Mammary duct ectasia


Complications of mammary duct ectasia are usually minor and often more bothersome than serious. These may include:

  • Nipple discharge. Nipple discharge caused by mammary duct ectasia can be frustrating. Fluid leaking from your nipples can cause embarrassing wetness and staining on your clothes.
  • Breast discomfort. Mammary duct ectasia can cause redness, swelling and tenderness around your nipples.
  • Infection. An inflammatory infection (periductal mastitis) may develop in the affected milk duct, sometimes causing pain in or around the nipple, a general feeling of illness or a fever. Persistent redness and worsening pain could be a sign of a bacterial infection and can lead to an abscess — a collection of pus in your breast tissue — which may require a procedure to drain it.
  • Concern about breast cancer. When you notice a change in your breast, you may worry that it's a sign of breast cancer, especially if you develop a hard lump around the nipple or areola. Having a history of mammary duct ectasia doesn't increase your risk of breast cancer. Still, it's important to see your doctor promptly anytime you notice breast changes.