Diseases and Conditions

Placental abruption


It isn't possible to reattach a placenta that's separated from the wall of the uterus. Treatment options for placental abruption depend on the circumstances:

  • The baby isn't close to full term. If the abruption seems mild, your baby's heart rate is normal and it's too early for the baby to be born, you might be hospitalized for close monitoring. If the bleeding stops and your baby's condition is stable, you might be able to rest at home.

    You might be given medication to help your baby's lungs mature and to protect the baby's brain, in case early delivery becomes necessary.

  • The baby is close to full term. Generally after 34 weeks of pregnancy, if the placental abruption seems minimal, a closely monitored vaginal delivery might be possible. If the abruption worsens or jeopardizes your or your baby's health, you'll need an immediate delivery — usually by C-section.

For severe bleeding, you might need a blood transfusion.