Diseases and Conditions



No effective vaccine is available, but scientists are working to develop one. Antibiotics can help prevent infection if you're at risk of or have been exposed to plague. Take the following precautions if you live or spend time in areas where plague outbreaks occur:

  • Rodent-proof your home. Remove potential nesting areas, such as piles of brush, rock, firewood and junk. Don't leave pet food in areas that rodents can easily access. If you become aware of a rodent infestation, take steps to control it.
  • Keep your pets free of fleas. Ask your veterinarian which flea-control products will work best.
  • Wear gloves. When handling potentially infected animals, wear gloves to prevent contact between your skin and harmful bacteria.
  • Use insect repellent. Closely supervise your children and pets when spending time outside in areas with large rodent populations. Use insect repellent.