Diseases and Conditions

Polymorphous light eruption


The term "eruption" refers to the rash, which usually appears 30 minutes to several hours after exposure to sunlight. The rash typically appears on areas of the body that tend to be covered during winter but exposed in summer: the upper chest, front of the neck and arms.

Characteristics of the rash may include:

  • Dense clusters of small bumps and blisters
  • Red, raised rough patches
  • Itching or burning

Rarely people may have other signs or symptoms, such as fever, chills, headache or nausea. These conditions may be the result of an associated sunburn rather than polymorphous light eruption.

When to see a doctor

See your doctor if you have any rash with no obvious cause, such as a known allergy or recent contact with poison ivy.

Polymorphous light eruption rashes look similar to rashes caused by other diseases, some of which are serious. So it's important to get a prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Seek immediate medical care if your rash is:

  • Widespread
  • Painful
  • Accompanied by fever