Diseases and Conditions

Q fever


A Q fever recurrence can affect your heart, liver, lungs and brain, giving rise to serious complications, such as:

  • Endocarditis. An inflammation of the membrane inside your heart, endocarditis can severely damage your heart valves. Endocarditis is the most deadly of Q fever's complications.
  • Lung issues. Some people who have Q fever develop pneumonia. This can lead to acute respiratory distress, a medical emergency in which you're not getting enough oxygen.
  • Pregnancy problems. Chronic Q fever increases the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, premature birth and stillbirth.
  • Liver damage. Some people who have Q fever develop hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver that interferes with its function.
  • Meningitis. Q fever can cause meningitis, an inflammation of the membrane surrounding your brain and spinal cord.