Tests and Procedures

Brow lift


A brow lift poses various risks, including:

  • Scarring. Scarring might be visible after a brow lift.
  • Changes in skin sensation. A brow lift can cause temporary or permanent numbness on the forehead or top of the scalp.
  • Asymmetry in the position of the brows. A brow lift can result in asymmetry, with one or both of the eyebrows appearing too high. However, asymmetry may even out during the healing process. Persistent brow shape or position problems can be treated through additional surgery.
  • Hair problems. A brow lift can cause an elevated hairline or hair loss at the incision site. If hair loss doesn't resolve on its own, it can be treated with scar excision or hair grafting.

Like any other type of major surgery, a brow lift poses a risk of bleeding, infection and an adverse reaction to anesthesia.