Tests and Procedures

COVID-19 antibody testing


Results of COVID-19 antibody tests may not always be accurate, especially if the test was done too soon after infection or the test quality is questionable. Many different manufacturers rushed to put antibody tests on the market with little oversight. Now the U.S. Food and Drug Administration posts data online about the performance of certain antibody tests.

COVID-19 antibody testing could lead to false-positive or false-negative test results:

  • False-positive result. The test result is positive, but you actually don't have antibodies and you did not have an infection in the past. A false-positive result could give you a false sense of security that you're protected from getting another COVID-19 infection — and even with a true positive result, immunity is questionable.
  • False-negative result. You have antibodies to the COVID-19 virus, but the test does not detect them. Or you're tested too soon after infection and your body has not had time to develop antibodies.