Tests and Procedures

Voice feminizing therapy and surgery


Voice feminizing therapy involves treatments to help transgender women (male to female) adapt their voices, resulting in communication patterns that match their gender identity. Treatments can help you change vocal characteristics, such as pitch and intonation, and nonverbal communication patterns, such as gestures and facial expressions. Surgery to raise your pitch also might be an option.

The way people speak, including their style, voice and choice of words, is highly personal. You'll choose which communication behaviors you want to acquire in agreement with your gender identity. Voice therapy shouldn't counsel you to adopt behaviors that aren't right for you. Also, keep in mind that changing your voice can take years and these changes can feel uncomfortable or inauthentic at first.

Voice feminizing therapy treatments depend on your needs. A specialist can help you determine your goals and create an individualized therapy plan, as well as show you how to prevent vocal damage as you change your voice.