Diseases and Conditions

Mixed connective tissue disease


Early indications of mixed connective tissue disease can include:

  • General feeling of being unwell. This can include increased fatigue and a mild fever.
  • Cold and numb fingers or toes (Raynaud's phenomenon). In response to cold or stress, your fingers or toes might turn white and then purplish blue. After warming, the fingers or toes turn red.
  • Swollen fingers or hands. Some people have swelling of the fingers.
  • Muscle and joint pain. Joints can become inflamed, swollen and deformed, similar to what occurs with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Rash. Red or reddish brown patches can appear over the knuckles.

When to see a doctor

See your doctor if you have signs and symptoms that interfere with your daily routine — particularly if you've been diagnosed with lupus or another connective tissue disease.